Tuning & Optimization

Unless otherwise requested, every fountain pen and nib unit we sell is carefully examined, filled with ink, tested on paper, and then optimized for the individual writing characteristics and preferences of the writer before it is cleaned and shipped. We take care to make sure that the fountain pens you buy from us will not just be beautiful to look at, but will also serve you for enjoyable day after hand writing.

This set up and optimization, sometimes referred to as nib tuning or nib adjustment, is provided free with every pen and nib unit purchased from us. It is different from nib customization, a service we provide at added cost. Nib customization is designed to modify a nib or nib point, usually with the intent of providing added line width variation while writing. Set up and optimization, on the other hand, is designed to simply make sure that the nib writes correctly in the manner intended by the manufacturer.

With years of experience, we can optimize a pen for your usage on the basis of the information we gather from just a few questions. We ask whether you are right or left handed, and if you tend to use light, medium, or heavy pressure while writing. We will also ask you if, when a pen is writing correctly with no skipping, you tend to prefer a standard medium ink flow, or something on the dryer or wetter side of the ink flow spectrum.

If you are purchasing a pen as a gift or are not sure how to answer some of these questions, don't worry - setting up a pen for a right-handed writer using medium pressure and a medium ink flow will almost always result in a pen that works well for most users.